Windows optimization at its best
Essential tools and utilities to optimize and customize my Windows environment.
Winget - Install Windows apps quickly with Windows Package Manager.
- PowerShell - Command-line tool and scripting language for task automation.
- Winget - Package manager to install apps on Windows.
- WinGet-Essentials - Essential scripts for using Winget.
- winget-install - Tool to simplify app installation via Winget.
- UniGetUI - Graphical interface to simplify the use of UniGet, a package manager.
- Remote Mouse - Turn your phone into a mouse.
- Spotify - Main player.
- Figma - Interface design tool.
- Photoshop - Professional photo editing.
- Illustrator - Vector graphics and illustration.
- Arc - Modern and highly customizable web browser.
- App Buster - Remove unwanted applications.
- VisiData - Interactive multitool for tabular data.
- Flow Launcher - Powerful launcher for Windows.
- Open Refine - Tool for cleaning and transforming data.
- OpenVPN - Secure and open-source VPN solution.
- tockler - Automatically track application usage and working time.
- OpenVPN Connect - Official OpenVPN client for Windows.
- Color LS - Beautifies the terminal's
command. - Win-Debloat-Tools - Tools to debloat Windows installations.
Scoop - Package manager to simplify software installation on Windows.
- git - Version control system.
- nodejs - JavaScript runtime for building scalable network applications.
- python - High-level programming language.
- 7zip - File archiver.
- vlc - Media player.
- googlechrome - Secondary web browser.
- onecommander - Modern and intuitive file manager.
- oh-my-posh - Prompt theme engine for any shell.
- fontbase - Font manager.
- spicetify - Customizer and extension framework for Spotify.
- freeze - Generate images of code and terminal output.
- windowsspyblocker - Privacy tool to block Windows spying.
- easy-context-menu - Customize the Windows context menu.
- powertoys - Utilities to enhance Windows productivity.
- attribute-changer - Tool to change file and folder attributes.
- defraggler - Disk defragmenter.
- winfetch - Command-line system information utility for Windows.
- transmission - Lightweight BitTorrent client.
- space-radar - Disk and memory space visualization app.
- ccleaner - Cleaning tool for Windows.
- lockhunter - Tool to identify files locked by other processes.
- discord - Voice and text chat for gamers.
- openssl - Tool for encryption and SSL/TLS.
- snappy-driver-installer-origin - Tool to install and update drivers.
- gitui - Fast graphical interface for Git.
- lazygit - Simple terminal UI for Git commands.
- terminal-icons - Terminal icons for Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core.
- cygwin - POSIX-compatible environment that runs natively on Windows.
- ndm - Node.js package manager with a graphical interface.
- glow - Markdown viewer for the command line.
- kondo - Clean project directories with ease.
- carapace-bin - Command completions for various CLI tools.
- onefetch - Displays repository information and data graphically.
- imagemagick - Tools to create, edit, and compose images.
- csview - Terminal CSV file viewer.
- firefox-developer - Secondary web browser.
- go - Open-source programming language for building reliable software.
- superfile - Modern terminal file manager.
- rstudio - Integrated development environment for R.
- vscode - Visual Studio Code.
- Vin Star - Windows themes with minimalistic and modern design.
- UltraUXThemePatcher - Allows third-party themes installation on Windows.
- StartAllBack - Restores and improves the Windows start menu and taskbar.
- OldNewExplorer - Customize Windows Explorer to a classic style.
- ExplorerBlurMica - Enable Acrylic or Mica for Windows Explorer.
- TranslucentTB - Makes the Windows taskbar translucent/transparent.
- SecureUxTheme - Secure boot compatible in-memory UxTheme patcher.